Monday, September 30, 2013

This week I've thought a lot about the fact that our career path is vital for businesses, large and small. We are the creators, editors, and psycho-analyzers of the outcome of logos, designs, etc.. These two images are examples of proofing and sleeping on a design, as well as letting outside sources proof before finalizing. Innocent ideas can become dreadful designs without even knowing it. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

These are two of my favorite shows, Dexter and Game of Thrones. Look at the type that was made for these shows and you can see that they are very fitting for their certain genre/style. One is befitting of a King while the other is fits a likable serial killer. I love the idea of creating my own version of type for a certain product. Now everywhere I look I see type and understand more of why we will always be able to find a job.  (if i didn't write this then "job" would have been an orphan. lol)

Monday, September 16, 2013

I watched a lot of college football this weekend. At some point I realized that, for the most part, the name on the back of the jersey is a sans serif, not the case for Texas A&M. Yes, most people know of Johnny Manziel and his loss to #1 ranked Alabama, but how many could really tell that his name has block serifs? 
I am no longer "ignorantly bliss" to the world of typography and graphic design. Thanks...  NOT!  :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Doctor Who designs

Okay, I am a huge Doctor Who fan. The simplicity of the logo and the easily recognizable "Tardis" police box. In terms of Graphic Design, the show has created a massive amount of recognition from the font used for the two words "Doctor Who". They also don't stick to one version, for over 30 years Doctor Who has kept a classic vibe in most of their advertisements. I feel that the BBC has a certain "style" that is recognizable when seen versus an American counterpart.
My sister and I are definite BBC fanatics and I think you should be too!

Monday, September 2, 2013

First Post new blog

My family moved into a new home just one week before classes, this means the mess continues. Around our house these days the term "do you know where _______ is?" is just constant. The move has helped us de-clutter our house and life. I also started "juicing", which is taking fruits and vegetables, putting them through a blender/strainer and then drinking all the good stuff. I went from needing caffeine and sugar all day to stay awake, to now I haven't had caffeine in more than 4 weeks. I thought that I would be forever enslaved to energy drinks, but after three days of rough withdrawals to now I feel absolutely incredible.
On a completely different subject, due to my indulgence into the graphic design world...I now can look at nothing the same way. Every street sign, book cover, movie title, etc. has come alive. Even signs that I have looked at for years have taken different shape and convey new messages to me. I hope everyone who reads enjoys it for what it is. :)